Saturday, May 18, 2013


Always nice to give presents, especially when you've made them yourself!
I've created two hand made gifts this week. One for a dear friend, hoping to give birth soon... The other one, for my aunt celebrating her 65th birthday and her retirement! I assume it's not difficult to match the picture to the right person... 

The jumpsuit was made with the same pattern as Pieke Wieke used for her version. I liked her creation sooo much! Mine is maybe not as nice, but I used two old t-shirts: for this small sizes it's easy to up-cycle some old garments. And they grow so fast at this age...


For the scarf, I used a vintage style fabric bought at Moens in Antwerp. I added a Clematis flower to take the picture. A pity I can't let the flower stay with the scarf forever... 

1 comment:

  1. Ah een bekend modelleke. Ook een mooike, dat doe ik ook regelmatig, oude t-shirts een nieuwe bestemming geven. Dubbel zo leuk als het resultaat dan mooi is.
